TS3 TeamSpeak Pro gratuitamente


Última versão

13 de mai de 2017

App APKs

TS3 TeamSpeak PRO APP

we offer our customer rebuilding from scratch the TS3 TeamSpeak Pro programmers close the gap and bring you the ultimate TS3 TeamSpeak PRO feeling to your Android device. Many client and administration features have been implemented in our application to offer our users the best TeamSpeak PRO experience ever made on Android and this free

. The most important feature:

-Servers, channels and private conversations in your games like league of legends GTA, dofus and all your online games with an HD channel
-Automated absence status on video and audio calls and on incoming phone calls for free
-Creating and Managing Channels You Can Create

Stay connected with your friends, your teammates in your games, your family and get your TS3 TeamSpeak PRO client for Android now this free !!!!
For any question contact us on whatsapp or even on TS3 TeamSpeak PRO;)
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